Where there’s LOVE, there’s LIFE”
Provision of fellowship activities, recreational facilities, mental support, social affairs and spiritual formation.
Provision of nursing services
Provision of support services
Provision of support services towards enabling our home residents to complete daily basic and simple tasks, such as taking medication or bathing, making dinners, having conversations, making appointments, and getting to work or a day service, budget their personal allowance, select photos for their room or album, meet neighbors and “carry out civic duties,” go grocery shopping, eat in restaurants, make emergency calls or inquiries, and exercise regularly amongst other activities
Advocacy and negotiation for the rights of our elders in society.
Awareness campaigns and activities that enable the collective participation of young people and willing stake holders in addressing the plight of the elders in society.
Specialised training to persons interested in working and living with elder persons

Specific areas of need
- Personal care needs
- Health Care program(s):
- Mental, social and spiritual development:
- Transportation:
Needy old aged persons need to be provided with food, clothes, beddings, walking aids etc
Regular medical check-up, health care will be arranged for the targeted poor, vulnerable elderly persons through community outreach interventions.
Old aged persons are often deprived of love and participation in – social events and spiritual activities. Therefore, these old aged persons need programs of recreation and socialization, so that they may be released from mental and old age depression.
The foundation needs a van that will help in the transportation of volunteers, care givers and items during community outreaches.